M - Missiles (Pre-1963)

SWOD - Special Weapons Ordnance Device (Navy) (1942-1947)

Model Designation Manufacturer Engine(s) Other
SWOD Mk 7 Pelican Bureau of Standards none Bomb Mk 55

none Bomb Mk 56
SWOD Mk 9 Mod 0 Bat Bureau of Standards none Bomb Mk 57, ASM-2, ASM-N-2
SWOD Mk 9 Mod 1 Bat Bureau of Standards none ASM-2a, ASM-N-2a
SWOD Mk 10

Bomb Mk 69
SWOD Mk 11 Kingfisher A
SWOD Mk 15 Kingfisher C
1 Fairchild J44 AUM-2 Petrel, AUM-N-2 Petrel, AQM-41A Petrel

P/A - Pilotless Aircraft (Navy)

Model Designation Manufacturer Engine(s) Other
NAMU (Naval Air Modification Unit)

NAMU (Naval Air Modification Unit)/Fairchild/Consolidated-Vultee


Vought 1 Aerojet General rocket


NAMU (Naval Air Modification Unit)/McDonnell






Missiles/Test Vehicles (Army Air Forces) (1947)

Model Designation Manufacturer Engine(s) Other
LTV-1 Loon Willys-Overland 1 Ford PJ31-F-1 JB-2, LTV-A-1

Missiles/Test Vehicles (Army Air Forces/Air Force) (1947-1951)

Model Designation Manufacturer Engine(s) Other
XAAM-A-1 Firebird Ryan

XAAM-A-2 Falcon Hughes 1 Morton Thiokol M-46 XF-98, XGAR-1

YASM-A-1 Tarzon Bell none
ASM-A-1 Tarzon Bell none VB-13
ASM-A-2 Rascal Bell 1 Bell XLR67-BA-1 B-63, GAM-63

Lockheed 1 Allegany Ballistics Lab X202-C3 and 1 ramjet X-7, X-7A

XSAM-A-1 GAPA (Ground-to-Air Pilotless Aircraft) Boeing
JB-8, cancelled

XSSM-A-1 Matador Martin
YSSM-A-1 Matador Martin
XSSM-A-2 Navaho North American

XSSM-A-3 Snark Northrop 1 Allison J33-A-31 and 2 Aerojet General boosters XB-62
XSSM-A-4 Navaho II North American 2 Wright XRJ47-W-5 and 1 North American XLR71-NA-1 XB-64, XSM-64
XSSM-A-5 Boojum Northrop

XSSM-A-6 Navaho III North American 2 Wright XRJ47-W-7 and 1 North American XLR83-NA-1 XB-64A, XSM-64A

LTV-A-1 Loon Willys-Overland 1 Ford PJ31-F-1 JB-2, LTV-1

RTV-A-1 Aerobee Aerojet General
RTV-A-1a Aerobee Aerojet General 1 Aerojet General X103C10 and 1 Aerojet General AJ10-25 X-8A
RTV-A-1b Aerobee Aerojet General
RTV-A-1c Aerobee Aerojet General 1 Aerojet General AJ10-25 X-8C
RTV-A-1d Aerobee Aerojet General
RTV-A-2 Hiroc Convair 1 Reaction Motors XLR35-RM-1
RTV-A-3 NATIV (North American Test Instrument Vehicle) North American

RTV-A-4 Shrike Bell 1 Aerojet General or 1 Bell XLR65-BA-1 X-9
North American 2 Westinghouse J40-WE-1 X-10

Missiles/Test Vehicles (Air Force) (1951-1955)

In May 1951, the United States Air Force assigned aircraft designations to all of its missiles, since they were considered to be "pilotless aircraft." Missiles were redesignated as follows: ground-attack missiles (previously designated as ASM or SSM) were assigned B - Bomber Aircraft designations, anti-aircraft missiles (previously designated as AAM or SAM) were assigned F - Fighter Aircraft designations, and test vehicles (previously designated PTV or RTV) were assigned X - Experimental Aircraft designations.

Missiles (Air Force) (1955-1963)

Model Designation Manufacturer Engine(s) Other
TM-61A Matador Martin 1 Allison J33-A-37 and 1 Aerojet General booster B-61A
QTM-61A Matador Martin 1 Allison J33-A-37 and 1 Aerojet General booster QB-61A
YTM-61B Matador Martin 1 Allison J33-A-37 and 1 Aerojet General booster YB-61B
TM-61B Matador Martin 1 Allison J33-A-41 and 1 Aerojet General booster TM-76 Mace, MGM-13A
XQTM-61C Matador Martin 1 Allison J33-A-37 and 1 Aerojet General booster
YTM-61C Matador Martin 1 Allison J33-A-37 and 1 Aerojet General booster YB-61C
TM-61C Matador Martin 1 Allison J33-A-37 and 1 Aerojet General booster MGM-1C
XSM-62 Snark Northrop 1 Allison J71 and 2 Aerojet General boosters XB-62, XSSM-A-3
XRSM-62 Snark Northrop 1 Allison J71 and 2 Aerojet General boosters XRB-62
XSM-62A Snark Northrop 1 Pratt & Whitney J57-P-17 and 2 Allegany Ballistics Lab rockets
SM-62A Snark Northrop 1 Pratt & Whitney J57-P-17 and 2 Allegany Ballistics Lab rockets
XGAM-63 Rascal Bell 1 Bell XLR67-BA-1 XB-63
GAM-63 Rascal Bell 1 Bell XLR67-BA-1 ASM-A-2, B-63
GAM-63A Rascal Bell 1 Bell XLR67-BA-1 B-63A
XSM-64 Navajo North American 2 Wright XRJ47-W-5 and 1 North American XLR71-NA-1 XSSM-A-4, XB-64
XSM-64A Navajo North American 2 Wright RJ47-W-7 and 1 North American XLR83-NA-1 XSSM-A-6, XB-64A
SM-65 Atlas Convair 5 XB-65
XSM-65A Atlas Convair
XSM-65B Atlas Convair

XSM-65C Atlas Convair

XSM-65D Atlas Convair 2 Rocketdyne LR101-NA-7 and 1 Rocketdyne XLR105-NA-5 and 2 Rocketdyne XLR89-NA-5
SM-65D Atlas Convair 2 Rocketdyne LR101-NA-7 and 1 Rocketdyne XLR105-NA-5 and 2 Rocketdyne XLR89-NA-5 CGM-16D
USM-65D Atlas Convair 2 Rocketdyne LR101-NA-7 and 1 Rocketdyne XLR105-NA-5 and 2 Rocketdyne XLR89-NA-5 CTM-16D
SM-65E Atlas Convair 2 Rocketdyne LR101-NA-7 and 1 Rocketdyne LR105-NA-5 and 2 Rocketdyne LR89-NA-5 CGM-16E
USM-65E Atlas Convair 2 Rocketdyne LR101-NA-7 and 1 Rocketdyne LR105-NA-5 and 2 Rocketdyne LR89-NA-5 CTM-16E
SM-65F Atlas Convair 2 Rocketdyne LR101-NA-7 and 1 Rocketdyne LR105-NA-5 and 2 Rocketdyne LR89-NA-5 HGM-16F
XGAM-67 Crossbow Radioplane 1 Continental J69-T-17 XB-67
XSM-68 Titan I Martin 2 Aerojet General LR87-AJ-1 and 1 Aerojet General LR91-AJ-1
SM-68 Titan I Martin 2 Aerojet General LR87-AJ-1 and 1 Aerojet General LR91-AJ-1 HGM-25A
SM-68A Titan I Martin 2 Aerojet General LR87-AJ-1 and 1 Aerojet General LR91-AJ-1
USM-68A Titan Trainer Martin 2 Aerojet General LR87-AJ-1 and 1 Aerojet General LR91-AJ-1 HTM-25B
XSM-68B Titan II Martin 2 Aerojet General LR87-AJ-1 and 1 Aerojet General LR91-AJ-1 and 1 Thiokol SR51-TC-1 and 1 United Technology SR55-UT-1 XLGM-25C
SM-68B Titan II Martin 2 Aerojet General LR87-AJ-1 and 1 Aerojet General LR91-AJ-1 and 1 Thiokol SR51-TC-1 and 1 United Technology SR55-UT-1 LGM-25C
IM-69 Bomarc Boeing

XIM-70A Talos NOTC (Naval Ordnance Test Center)/Bendix 1 rocket and 1 Bendix ramjet SAM-N-6b1, RIM-8C
XIM-70C Talos NOTC (Naval Ordnance Test Center)/Bendix 1 rocket and 1 Bendix ramjet SAM-N-6bW1, RIM-8D
GAM-71 Buck Duck Convair 1 XLR85 GAM-71 Duck
GAM-71 Duck Convair 1 XLR85 GAM-71 Buck Duck
XGAM-72 Green Quail McDonnell 1 General Electric J85-GE-3 XGAM-72 Quail
XGAM-72 Quail McDonnell 1 General Electric J85-GE-3 XGAM-72 Green Quail
GAM-72 Green Quail McDonnell 1 General Electric J85-GE-3 GAM-72 Quail, ADM-20A Quail
GAM-72 Quail McDonnell 1 General Electric J85-GE-3 GAM-72 Green Quail, ADM-20A Quail
GAM-72A Quail McDonnell 1 General Electric J85-GE-7 ADM-20B
GAM-72B Quail McDonnell 1 General Electric J85-GE-7 ADM-20C
XSM-73 Bull Goose Fairchild 1 General Electric J85-GE-3 and 1 Thiokol or 1 Fairchild YJ83-R-3 and 1 Thiokol XSM-73 Goose
XSM-73 Goose Fairchild 1 General Electric J85-GE-3 and 1 Thiokol or 1 Fairchild YJ83-R-3 and 1 Thiokol XSM-73 Bull Goose
XSM-75 Thor Douglas 1 Rocketdyne LR79-NA-9 and 2 Rocketdyne LR101 XPGM-17A
SM-75 Thor Douglas 1 Rocketdyne LR79-NA-9 and 2 Rocketdyne LR101 PGM-17A
USM-75 Thor Douglas 1 Rocketdyne LR79-NA-9 and 2 Rocketdyne LR101 PTM-17A
YTM-76 Mace Martin 1 Allison J33-A-41 and 1 Aerojet General booster
TM-76 Mace Martin 1 Allison J33-A-41 and 1 Aerojet General booster MGM-13A
TM-76A Mace Martin 1 Allison J33-A-41 and 1 Aerojet General booster MGM-13B,A
TM-76B Mace Martin 1 Allison J33-A-41 and 1 Aerojet General booster CGM-13C,B
GAM-77 Hound Dog North American 1 Pratt & Whitney J52-P-3 AGM-28A
GAM-77A Hound Dog North American 1 Pratt & Whitney J52-P-3 AGM-28B
SM-78 Jupiter Chrysler 1 Rocketdyne LR79 PGM-19A
GAM-79 White Lance Martin 1 Thiokol LR44-RM-2
XSM-80 Minuteman I Boeing 1 Thiokol M55 and 1 Aerojet General M56 and 1 Hercules M57 XLGM-30A
HSM-80A Minuteman I Boeing 1 Thiokol M55 and 1 Aerojet General M56 and 1 Hercules M57 LGM-30A
HSM-80B Minuteman I Boeing 1 Thiokol M55 and 1 Aerojet General M56 and 1 Hercules M57 LGM-30B
HSM-80F Minuteman II Boeing 1 Thiokol M55 and 1 Aerojet General SR-19-AJ-1 and 1 Hercules M57 LGM-30F
XRM-81 Agena Lockheed 1 Bell XLR81
RM-81 Agena Lockheed 1 Bell XLR81
SRM-81 Agena Lockheed 1 Bell XLR81
SRM-81A Agena Lockheed 1 Bell XLR81
XRM-82 Loki-Dart JPL 1 JPL 132A PWN-1A
GAM-83 Bullpup Martin 1 Aerojet General Mk 8 ASM-N-7, AGM-12A
TGAM-83 Bullpup Trainer Martin
GAM-83A Bullpup Martin 1 Thiokol LR58-RM-4 ASM-N-7a, AGM-12B
GAM-83B Bullpup Martin 1 Thiokol LR58-RM-4 AGM-12D
XRM-84 Aerobee-Hi Aerojet General 1 Aerojet General X103C10 and 1 Aerojet General AJ11-21 PWN-2A
XRM-85 Nike-Cajun University of Michigan/NACA 1 Allegany Ballistics Lab X216A2 and 1 Thiokol TE-82-1 Cajun PWN-3A
XRM-86 Exos University of Michigan 1 Hercules M6 and 1 Allegany Ballistics Lab X216A2 and 1 Thiokol XM19 Recruit PWN-4A
GAM-87 Skybolt Douglas 1 Aerojet General rocket AGM-48
XGAM-87A Skybolt Douglas 1 Aerojet General rocket XAGM-48A
GAM-87A Skybolt Douglas 1 Aerojet General rocket cancelled
XRM-88 Rocksonde 200 Cooper Development 1 Cooper Development RM-2210 PWN-5A
XRM-89 Blue Scout I Ford 1 Aerojet General Algol 1 and 1 Thiokol XM33 Castor 2 and 1 Allegany Ballistics Lab X-254 Antares 1A
XRM-90 Blue Scout II Ford 1 Aerojet General Algol 1 and 1 Thiokol XM33 Castor 2 and 1 Allegany Ballistics Lab X-254 Antares 1A and 1 Allegany Ballistics Lab X-248 Altair 1
XRM-91 Blue Scout Junior Ford 1 Thiokol XM33 Castor and 1 Allegany Ballistics Lab X-254 Antares and 1 Aerojet General AJ10-41 and 1 NOTS 100A Cetus SLV-1
XRM-92 Air Force Junior Ford 1 Aerojet General XM68 Senior and 1 Thiokol XM75 and 1 Allegany Ballistics Lab X-254 Antares and 1 Allegany Ballistics Lab XM87
XIM-99A Bomarc Boeing/MARC (Michigan Aeronautical Research Center)
YIM-99A Bomarc Boeing/MARC (Michigan Aeronautical Research Center)
IM-99A Bomarc Boeing/MARC (Michigan Aeronautical Research Center) 1 Aerojet General LR59-AJ-13 and 2 Marquardt RJ43-MA-3 CIM-10A
IM-99B Bomarc Boeing/MARC (Michigan Aeronautical Research Center) 1 Thiokol XM51 and 2 Marquardt RJ43-MA-7 CIM-10B
AIM-101 Sparrow Raytheon
AAM-N-6a, AIM-7D

Missiles/Test Vehicles (Army) (1947-1955)

Model Designation Manufacturer Engine(s) Other
RTV-G-1 WAC Corporal JPL (Jet Propulsion Laboratory) 1 Aerojet General rocket and 1 Tiny Tim RV-A-1
RV-A-1 WAC Corporal JPL (Jet Propulsion Laboratory) 1 Aerojet General rocket and 1 Tiny Tim RTV-G-1
RTV-G-2 Corporal E JPL (Jet Propulsion Laboratory)/Firestone 1 JPL rocket RV-A-2
RV-A-2 Corporal E JPL (Jet Propulsion Laboratory)/Firestone 1 JPL rocket RTV-G-2
RTV-G-3 Hermes II General Electric 1 rocket and ramjets RV-A-3
RV-A-3 Hermes II General Electric 1 rocket and ramjets RTV-G-3
RTV-G-4 Bumper General Electric 1 rocket and 1 Aerojet General rocket RV-A-4
RV-A-4 Bumper General Electric 1 rocket and 1 Aerojet General rocket RTV-G-4
CTV-G-5 Hermes A-1 General Electric 1 General Electric rocket RV-A-5
RV-A-5 Hermes A-1 General Electric 1 General Electric rocket CTV-G-5
RTV-G-6 Hermes B-1 General Electric
RV-A-6 Hermes B-1 General Electric
XSAM-G-7 Nike Ajax Western Electric 1 Allegany Ballistics Lab M5 and 1 Bell rocket XSAM-A-7, M1, MIM-3A
SAM-A-7 Nike Ajax Western Electric 1 Allegany Ballistics Lab M5 and 1 Bell rocket XSAM-G-7, M1, MIM-3A
XSSM-G-8 Hermes A-3A General Electric
RTV-G-8, RV-A-8
RTV-G-8 Hermes A-3A General Electric
XSSM-G-8, RV-A-8
RV-A-8 Hermes A-3A General Electric
XSSM-G-9 Hermes B-2 General Electric
XSSM-A-9 Hermes B-2 General Electric
RTV-G-10 Hermes A-2 General Electric 1 Thiokol rocket RV-A-10
RV-A-10 Hermes A-2 General Electric 1 Thiokol rocket RTV-G-10
SSM-G-12 Lacrosse Martin Marietta 1 Thiokol XM10 SSM-N-9, XSSM-A-12, M4, MGM-18A
XSSM-A-12 Lacrosse Martin Marietta 1 Thiokol XM10 SSM-N-9, SSM-G-12, M4, MGM-18A
XSSM-G-13 Hermes A-2 General Electric
XSSM-A-13 Hermes A-2 General Electric
XSSM-G-14 Hermes C-1 Chrysler 1 North American Rocketdyne NAA75-100 XSSM-A-14, M8, PGM-11A
XSSM-A-14 Hermes C-1/Redstone Chrysler 1 North American Rocketdyne NAA75-100 XSSM-G-14, M8, PGM-11A
XSSM-G-15 Hermes A-1 General Electric
XSSM-A-15 Hermes A-1 General Electric
XSSM-G-16 Hermes A-3B General Electric 1 General Electric rocket XSSM-A-16
XSSM-A-16 Hermes A-3B General Electric 1 General Electric rocket XSSM-G-16
SSM-G-17 Corporal JPL (Jet Propulsion Laboratory)/Firestone 1 JPL rocket MGM-5, SSM-A-17
XSSM-A-17 Corporal JPL (Jet Propulsion Laboratory)/Firestone 1 JPL rocket
SSM-A-17 Corporal JPL (Jet Propulsion Laboratory)/Firestone 1 JPL rocket SSM-G-17, XM2
XSSM-A-17a Corporal JPL (Jet Propulsion Laboratory)/Firestone
M2, MGM-5A
XSAM-A-18 Hawk Raytheon 1 Aerojet General M22E8 XM3, XMIM-23A
SAM-A-18 Hawk Raytheon 1 Aerojet General M22E8 M3, MIM-23A
XSAM-A-19 Plato Sylvania Electric

RV-A-22 Lark Martin/Convair 1 Reaction Motors LR2-RM-2
XSSM-A-23 Dart Aerophysics Development 1 Grand Central rocket
SAM-A-25 Nike Hercules Western Electric
M6, MIM-14A
SSM-A-27 Sergeant Sperry/Univac/JPL (Jet Propulsion Laboratory) 1 Thiokol XM100 XM15, MGM-29A

Missiles/Test Vehicles (Navy) (1947)

Model Designation Manufacturer Engine(s) Other
AAM-2 Sparrow Douglas 1 Aerojet General 1.8KS7800 KAS-1, AAM-N-2, AIM-7A

ASM-2 Bat Bureau of Standards none Bomb Mk 57, SWOD Mk 9 Mod 0, ASM-N-2
ASM-2a Bat Bureau of Standards none SWOD Mk 9 Mod 1, ASM-N-2a
ASM-4 Dove Eastman Kodak/Bureau of Ordnance none XASM-N-4

AUM-2 Kingfisher C/Petrel Bureau of Standards 1 Fairchild J44 SWOD Mk 15, AUM-N-2, AQM-41A
AUM-4 Kingfisher D/Diver Bureau of Standards
AUM-N-4, cancelled
XAUM-6 Kingfisher F/Puffin Bureau of Standards 1 McDonnell pulsejet XAUM-N-6

CTV-2 Gorgon IIC NADC (Naval Air Development Center) 1 pulsejet KGN-1, KUN-1, CTV-N-2
CTV-4 Gorgon IIA NADC (Naval Air Development Center) 1 Reaction Motors CML2N KA2N-1, KU2N-1, CTV-N-4
CTV-6 Gorgon IIIA NADC (Naval Air Development Center) 1 Reaction Motors CML2N KA3N-1, KU3N-1, CTV-N-6
CTV-8 Bumblebee STV (Supersonic Test Vehicle) Applied Physics Lab

LTV-2 Loon Willys-Overland 1 Ford PJ31-F-1 KGW-1, KUW-1, LTV-N-2

PTV-2 Gorgon IV Martin 1 Marquardt XRJ30 KUM-1, PTV-N-2
PTV-4 Cobra/BTV (Burner Test Vehicle) Applied Physics Lab

RTV-2 Gargoyle McDonnell 1 Aerojet General 8AS1000 LBD-1, KSD-1, KUD-1, RTV-N-2
RTV-4 Gorgon IIIC NADC (Naval Air Development Center) 2 Reaction Motors CML2N KA3N-2, KU3N-2, RTV-N-4
RTV-6 Bumblebee XPM (Experimental Prototype Missile) Applied Physics Lab
RTV-8 Aerobee Aerojet General 1 Aerojet General X103C10 and 1 Aerojet General XASR-1 RTV-N-8

XSAM-2 Lark Fairchild 1 Reaction Motors LR2-RM-2 KAQ-1, XSAM-N-2, CTV-N-9
XSAM-2a Lark Fairchild 1 Reaction Motors LR2-RM-6 KAQ-2, XSAM-N-2a
XSAM-4 Lark Consolidated Vultee 1 Reaction Motors LR2-RM-2 KAY-1, XSAM-N-4, CTV-N-10
XSAM-4a Lark Consolidated Vultee 1 Reaction Motors LR2-RM-6 KAY-2, XSAM-N-4a

XSSM-2 Triton Applied Physics Lab 1 ramjet and 1 rocket XSSM-N-2
SSM-4 Taurus North American 2 Pratt & Whitney R-2800 SSM-N-4
XSSM-6 Rigel Grumman 2 Marquardt ramjets and 4 rockets XSSM-N-6
SSM-8 Regulus Chance Vought 1 Allison J33 SSM-N-8, RGM-6A

XSUM-2 Kingfisher E/Grebe Bureau of Standards/Goodyear 1 pulsejet and 1 rocket XSUM-N-2

Missiles/Test Vehicles (Navy) (1947-1963)

Model Designation Manufacturer Engine(s) Other
XAAM-N-2 Sparrow Douglas

AAM-N-2 Sparrow Douglas 1 Aerojet General 1.8KS7800 KAS-1, AAM-2, AIM-7A
XAAM-N-2a Sparrow II Douglas
RAAM-N-2a Sparrow Douglas

XAAM-N-2b Sparrow Douglas

RAAM-N-2b Sparrow Douglas

XAAM-N-3 Sparrow II Douglas
YAAM-N-3 Sparrow II Douglas

AAM-N-3 Sparrow II Douglas
AIM-7B, cancelled
XAAM-N-3a Sparrow II Douglas

XAAM-N-4 Oriole Martin 1 rocket RV-N-16
XAAM-N-5 Meteor MIT/Bureau of Ordnance 2 rockets
XAAM-N-6 Sparrow III Raytheon

YAAM-N-6 Sparrow III Raytheon

AAM-N-6 Sparrow III Raytheon 1 Aerojet General 1.8KS7800 AIM-7C
XTAAM-N-6 Sparrow III Raytheon

TAAM-N-6 Sparrow III Raytheon

XAAM-N-6a Sparrow III Raytheon

YAAM-N-6a Sparrow III Raytheon

AAM-N-6a Sparrow III Raytheon
AIM-101, AIM-7D
XTAAM-N-6a Sparrow III Raytheon

TAAM-N-6a Sparrow III Raytheon

AAM-N-6b Sparrow III Raytheon
AAM-N-7 Sidewinder I, IA, IC Motorola/NWC (Naval Weapons Center)/NOTC (Naval Ordnance Test Center) 1 Thiokol Mk 17 AIM-9A,B,C,D
XAAM-N-9 Sparrow X Raytheon
XAAM-N-10 Eagle Bendix 1 Aerojet General rocket and 1 AiResearch rocket
AAM-N-11 Phoenix Hughes

ASM-N-2 Bat Bureau of Standards none Bomb Mk 57, SWOD Mk 9 Mod 0, ASM-2
ASM-N-2a Bat Bureau of Standards none SWOD Mk 9 Mod 1, ASM-2a
XASM-N-4 Dove Eastman Kodak/Bureau of Ordnance none ASM-4
XASM-N-5 Gorgon V Martin/NADC (Naval Air Development Center) none
ASM-N-6 Omar Eastman Kodak

XASM-N-7 Bullpup Martin/Maxson 1 Aerojet General Mk 8
YASM-N-7 Bullpup Martin/Maxson 1 Aerojet General Mk 8
ASM-N-7 Bullpup Martin/Maxson 1 Aerojet General Mk 8 AGM-12A, GAM-83
TASM-N-7 Bullpup Martin/Maxson

YASM-N-7a Bullpup Martin/Maxson 1 Thiokol LR58-RM-4
ASM-N-7a Bullpup Martin/Maxson 1 Thiokol LR58-RM-4 GAM-83A, AGM-12B
ASM-N-7b Bullpup Martin 1 Thiokol LR62-RM-2/4 AGM-12C
XASM-N-8 Corvus Temco 1 Thiokol rocket
ASM-N-9 Raven

ASM-N-10 Shrike Texas Instruments/Sperry 1 Rocketdyne Mk 39 or 1 Aerojet General Mk 53 Mod 1 AGM-45A
ASM-N-11 Condor North American Rockwell/NWC (Naval Weapons Center) 1 Rocketdyne Mk 70 AGM-53A

AUM-N-2 Kingfisher C/Petrel Bureau of Standards 1 Fairchild J44 SWOD Mk 15, AUM-2, AQM-41A
AUM-N-4 Kingfisher D/Diver Bureau of Standards
AUM-4, cancelled
XAUM-N-6 Kingfisher F/Puffin Bureau of Standards 1 McDonnell pulsejet XAUM-6

XSAM-N-2 Lark Fairchild 1 Reaction Motors LR2-RM-2 KAQ-1, XSAM-2, CTV-N-9
XSAM-N-2a Lark Fairchild 1 Reaction Motors LR2-RM-6 KAQ-2, XSAM-2a
XSAM-N-4 Lark Consolidated Vultee 1 Reaction Motors LR2-RM-2 KAY-1, XSAM-4, CTV-N-10
XSAM-N-4a Lark Consolidated Vultee 1 Reaction Motors LR2-RM-6 KAY-2, XSAM-4a
XSAM-N-6 Triton Applied Physics Lab

XSAM-N-6 Talos NOTC (Naval Ordnance Test Center)/Bendix

SAM-N-6b Talos NOTC (Naval Ordnance Test Center)/Bendix 1 rocket and 1 Bendix ramjet RIM-8A
SAM-N-6b1 Talos NOTC (Naval Ordnance Test Center)/Bendix 1 rocket and 1 Bendix ramjet RIM-8C, XIM-70A
SAM-N-6b1(CW) Talos NOTC (Naval Ordnance Test Center)/Bendix 1 rocket and 1 Bendix ramjet RIM-8F
SAM-N-6bW Talos NOTC (Naval Ordnance Test Center)/Bendix 1 rocket and 1 Bendix ramjet RIM-8B
SAM-N-6bW1 Talos NOTC (Naval Ordnance Test Center)/Bendix 1 rocket and 1 Bendix ramjet RIM-8D, XIM-70C
SAM-N-6c1 Talos NOTC (Naval Ordnance Test Center)/Bendix 1 rocket and 1 Bendix ramjet RIM-8E
SAM-N-7 Terrier Convair
SAM-N-7a Terrier Convair

SAM-N-7b Tartar Convair
SAM-N-7c Terrier Ic Convair

XSAM-N-8 Zeus Naval Ordnance Lab
SAM-N-8 Typhon LR Bendix 1 rocket and 1 Bendix ramjet RIM-50A
SAM-N-9 Typhon MR Bendix

XSSM-N-2 Triton Applied Physics Lab 1 ramjet and 1 rocket XSSM-2
SSM-N-4 Taurus North American 2 Pratt & Whitney R-2800 SSM-4
XSSM-N-6 Rigel Grumman 2 Marquardt ramjets and 4 rockets XSSM-6
SSM-N-8 Regulus Chance Vought 1 Allison J33 SSM-8, RGM-6A
SSM-N-8a Regulus Chance Vought 1 Allison J33-A-18A and 2 Aerojet General rockets RGM-6B
SSM-N-9 Lacrosse Applied Physics Lab 1 Thiokol XM10 SSM-G-12, XSSM-A-12, M4, MGM-18A
XSSM-N-9 Regulus II Chance Vought/LTV 1 General Electric J79-GE-3
XRSSM-N-9 Regulus II Chance Vought/LTV 1 Wright J65-W-6
YSSM-N-9 Regulus II Chance Vought/LTV 1 General Electric J79-GE-3
SSM-N-9 Regulus II Chance Vought/LTV 1 General Electric J79-GE-3 RGM-15A
XRSSM-N-9a Regulus II Chance Vought/LTV 1 General Electric J79-GE-3
YSSM-N-9a Regulus II Chance Vought/LTV 1 General Electric J79-GE-3 cancelled
YTSSM-N-9a Regulus II Chance Vought/LTV 1 General Electric J79-GE-3
TSSM-N-9a Regulus II Chance Vought/LTV 1 General Electric J79-GE-3
YTSSM-N-9b Regulus II Chance Vought/LTV 1 General Electric J79-GE-3 cancelled

XSUM-N-2 Kingfisher E/Grebe Bureau of Standards/Goodyear 1 pulsejet and 1 rocket XSUM-2

CTV-N-2 Gorgon IIC NADC (Naval Air Development Center) 1 pulsejet KGN-1, KUN-1, CTV-2
CTV-N-4 Gorgon IIA NADC (Naval Air Development Center) 1 Reaction Motors CML2N KA2N-1, KU2N-1, CTV-4
CTV-N-6 Gorgon IIIA NADC (Naval Air Development Center) 1 Reaction Motors CML2N KA3N-1, KU3N-1, CTV-6
CTV-N-8 Bumblebee STV (Supersonic Test Vehicle) Applied Physics Lab
CTV-N-9 Lark Fairchild 1 Reaction Motors LR2-RM-2 KAQ-1, XSAM-2, XSAM-N-2
CTV-N-9a Lark Fairchild

CTV-N-9b Lark Fairchild

CTV-N-9c Lark Fairchild

CTV-N-10 Lark Convair 1 Reaction Motors LR2-RM-2 KAY-1, XSAM-4, XSAM-N-4

LTV-N-2 Loon Willys-Overland 1 Ford PJ31-F-1 KGW-1, KUW-1, LTV-2
NOTS (Naval Ordnance Test Station)

PTV-N-2 Gorgon IV Martin 1 Marquardt XRJ30-MA KUM-1, PTV-2
PTV-N-4 Cobra/BTV (Burner Test Vehicle) Applied Physics Lab

RTV-N-2 Gargoyle McDonnell 1 Aerojet General 8AS1000 LBD-1, KSD-1, KUD-1, RTV-2
RTV-N-4 Gorgon IIIC NADC (Naval Air Development Center) 2 Reaction Motors CML2N KA3N-2, KU3N-2, RTV-4
RTV-N-6 Bumblebee XPM (Experimental Prototype Missile) Applied Physics Lab
RTV-N-6a Bumblebee XPM (Experimental Prototype Missile) Applied Physics Lab

RTV-N-8 Aerobee Aerojet General 1 Aerojet General X103C10 and 1 Aerojet General XASR-1 RTV-8
RTV-N-10 Aerobee Aerojet General

RTV-N-10a Aerobee Aerojet General 1 Aerojet General X103C10 and 1 Aerojet General AJ10-25
RTV-N-10b Aerobee Aerojet General 1 Aerojet General X103C10 and 1 Aerojet General AJ10-24
RTV-N-10c Aerobee Aerojet General 1 Aerojet General X103C10 and 1 Aerojet General AJ10-27
RTV-N-12 Viking Martin 1 Reaction Motors XLR10-RM-2
RTV-N-12a Viking Martin 1 Reaction Motors XLR10-RM-2
RTV-N-13 Navy-Hi Aerojet General
RV-N-13 Navy-Hi Aerojet General
RV-N-13a Navy-Hi Aerojet General

RV-N-13b Navy-Hi Aerojet General 1 Aerojet General X103C10 and 1 Aerojet General AJ11-21
RV-N-13c Navy-Hi Aerojet General

RTV-N-15 Pollux NADC (Naval Air Development Center)

RV-N-16 Oriole Martin 1 rocket XAAM-N-4